Donation 2
Introduction Infaq Dewan Solat

– We seek your kind donations to provide better facilities and equipment for our mosque upgrading. We aim to reach $600,000 and we hope that you can help us to reach our goal. Your infaq will not only be used during the prayer times but also during classes, events, qiyaam and the prayer hall.

– Your Akhira’ Investment. Support us! Infaq Dewan Solat $100

– Prasarana dan kemudahan masjid memerlukan $600,000 kos peningkatan. Tujuannya adalah untuk memastikan kesempurnaan peralatan dan kemudahan masjid mengikut kepada keperluan semasa. Ini agar perlaksaan ibadah jemaah kita sentiasa tenang dan selesa. Kami memerlukan sokongan anda yang berterusan.

– Tanam Saham Akhirat dengan sumbangan Infaq $100 bagi Projek Infaq Dewan Solat. Sokongan anda amat kami hargai.

Upcoming Project for Infaq Dewan Solat

1. New Carpet For Mosque Hall Prayer

2. Upgrading Ceiling Fans

3. Donation Box & Cabinet for Al-Quran

4. Audio Visual System (Basement to Roof Top)

5. Toilets Upgrading (Basement to Roof Top)

Support Us! For Your Akhira' Investment

*Ramadan, Infaq Ilmu, Fidyah, Youth Development funds are not activated. Choose other options.

Donate simply via QR Code!

  • Step 1 - Log in to any of the app above with your mobile (DBS Paylah, Nets, NetsPay, OCBC PayAnyone, UOB Mighty)
  • Step 2 - Scan the QR code above
  • Step 3 - Indicate the amount you wish to donate and confirm payment
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